Statement of Faith
• WE BELIEVE in one God, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Deut. 6:4; 2 Cor. 13:14; John 1:1
• WE BELIEVE that our Lord Jesus Christ was begotten, not created, very God of very God, truly man. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a vicarious and atoning death for the sins of the whole world, resurrected bodily for our justification, and now reigns in glory until all things be put under His feet. 1 Tim. 3:16
• WE BELIEVE in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, given by the Holy Spirit as He moved upon men of old. Furthermore, we believe that the church has no authority to establish doctrine contrary to these same Scriptures, which were subsequently accepted as canon by the early Christian Church.
2 Tim. 3:16
• WE BELIEVE that man was created in the image of God and is the crown of creation. He is now, by reason of the fall, spiritually depraved and alienated from his Creator. Apart from God’s grace he has no ability to attain to his high calling. Psalms 8; Eph. 2:8-9
• WE BELIEVE that justification is by grace through faith in our Lord’s sacrifice on Calvary. Furthermore, we believe that those who are justified in Christ should depart from iniquity. Recognizing that salvation from the penalty of sin only begins the process of redemption, we understand the continuing work of the Holy Spirit is to create in us the character of Christ.
Romans 3:21-24; 2 Tim. 2:19
• WE BELIEVE that all of God’s people are to be buried with our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of baptism as a confession of their faith. Matt. 28:19; Acts 2:38: Rom. 6:4
• WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit indwells all believers, conforming them to the image of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an endowment of power given by God to anoint the believer for sanctification and evangelism. 1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 8:16-17; Acts 1:4-5, 8
• WE BELIEVE that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are active within the body of Christ until the coming of the Lord. We believe the development of these spiritual gifts ought to be encouraged under the guidance of local church authorities. 1 Cor. 12:4-7; 1 Peter 4:10
• WE BELIEVE the identity of the body of Christ on the earth is primarily perceived through the local church. While encouraging the voluntary association of local churches, and recognizing the need of consensus on matters of fundamental doctrine and conduct, we strongly confess the local church to be sovereign and autonomous. Rev. 2-3
• WE BELIEVE in the personal second coming of our Lord, the resurrection of the regenerate to eternal life and the unregenerate to eternal judgment, and the ultimate victory of the eternal Kingdom of God.
Acts 1:9-11: Daniel 12:2; Rev. 22:1-7
Our Practices
- The emphasis of our ministry is not on buildings, rituals or traditions, but on people who share the life of Christ together.
- We desire to provide times of corporate worship, fellowship, teaching and prayer, so that each Christian may reach his/her full potential.
- We seek to build Christ’s character in individuals, marriages and families so that we may please Him and have a beneficial effect upon our community.
- We desire our services to be formal enough to provide an orderly flow of worship, yet free enough to provide a comfortable atmosphere of informality and warmth.
Our Vision
- We envision an ever-expanding church family filled with Christ’s love, reaching out into the community to bring the good news of salvation to thousands who have not yet come to know our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Over the next twenty years we envision 1000 members, and more, participating in our Sunday Worship Service, completing our Diamond Development Program, being prepared to serve Christ, one another, and the community.
- We envision a network of 100 small groups within our church, providing fellowship, pastoral care and encouragement to our members as they seek to grow in Christ-likeness. These groups will be led by men and women who are caring people, growing in Christ’s character, trained in small group dynamics, grounded in the basic beliefs of our faith and loyal to our local church government.
- We believe that the life Christ would have us live can be defined by Love, Integrity, Forgiveness, and Excellence. We envision our members as Christ-like individuals walking in integrity, manifesting His love, with an attitude of forgiveness, while practicing excellence in all that they do.