Jr Youth – Grades 6, 7, and 8
Tuesdays at the church 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Senior Youth – Grades 9 – 12
Friday, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Who we are
The purpose of the IGN1T3D YOUTH Ministry is to serve the youth, the church and the community. This is accomplished by encouraging and facilitating the development of youth committed to knowing Christ, growing in Christ, serving Christ and sharing Christ with others. We long to see today’s teenager’s desire nothing more then to live their lives for Jesus.
Our Meetings
Our weekly youth meeting is Friday Nights, at 7:00pm. They consist of an initial game, followed by worship, break-outs for Sr High Youth with interactive discussions. In the discussions, youth are directed to build strong spiritual relationships among those in their group. Our group discussions focus on issues that today’s youth are facing every day at home, school, and with their friends. We discuss these issues and turn to the Word of God to find our answers. Prayer and edification are essential, and we also keep the night fun and lively.
Once a month the youth also enjoy participating in a special event that is organized by the youth leaders. Our goal with these events is to have fun and to continually become closer with one another in Christ.
Past events have been: Movie nights, Bowling, Sporting Events, etc… Some of the events are also ministry-focused, to give the youth exposure in the community, and helping fill the needs of the public.
In all of our Youth meetings, our goal is to bring growth to our relationship with God and to be an encouragement to everyone who is participating. Youth members are encouraged to invite their friends to come and to participate in a friendly, non-threatening environment, and realize that they matter to God.
Our Times
Friday, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
All youth in grades 9 – 12 are welcome (especially newcomers)
To keep up to date with IGN1T3D Youth, please connect with us through our Instagram @ign1t3d