The church has arrived

2020 started off as a normal year and was pretty much the same as in past years. Then came February and things began to change rapidly. Soon we found ourselves in the midst of a full blown pandemic because of the covid 19 virus. Isolate became the call, stay home, public meetings were canceled, no church. We can’t even visit our children and grandchildren.

As this weren’t bad enough, during my angiogram on April 3rd I’m told that I have a 95% blockage in the main artery that feeds my heart. The call was made that I needed immediate open heart surgery to replace a valve and do a bypass. A decision was made a half hour later that I was being sent back home again. The explanation given was for my own safety because of the virus. Since I don’t have any symptoms of a person with heart disease I was told to stay home and don’t do anything. In the event that I experience pain or shortness of breath I was to call 911 and I would be moved to priority one for surgery.

So my 73rd birthday passed with no celebration or family visit. Our needs are being met by our children who are bringing us everything we need. But still we missed the closeness of family and friends. We looked forward to church and the many hugs and handshakes along with the feelings of being loved by so many. But then May 5th around 7:30 that all changed.

The church came to see us. Outside were these 4 lovely ladies cheering us on while waving posters telling us that we are loved and missed dearly. Words cannot express how it made us feel. They took the time to pray for us and offered words of encouragement. After they left I sat down and was overcome with emotion as I thought about what had just happened. We had just experienced the church in action and it so blessed us. A big thank you goes out to these ladies that took the time to come out and cheer us on.

God bless everyone.
Paul and Betty Brazeau

  1. Gareth Rose Reply

    This is the heart of the church!
    To connect with each other with encouragement that produces hope in the midst of uncertainty!

  2. Gareth Rose Reply

    This is so wonderful to see the compassion and love that move us emotionally with sharing the love of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ!
    We are praying for you Paul and Betty!

  3. Gareth Rose Reply

    This is so wonderful to see the compassion and love that moves us emotionally with sharing the live of Christ!
    This proves the church is alive and well even if restrictions are present at this season of time!

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