Keeping us safe

Abigale Johnson and familyWhile the whole world is in Chaos and dying, I personally see and saw the Lords hands protecting my whole family like a shield. In February 2020, we traveled to Hong Kong during the high peek of Corona Virus we were blessed by not getting effected with virus. We flew back to Canada again all safe.

My husband traveled from H.K to India, from India to Malaysia and was stuck there, but The Lord opened a way for him to get out of Malaysia just hours before it went on lock down. He traveled from the Philippines back to H.K and he was safe. He then traveled back from H.K to Canada and still God’s hand never left us and my husband. He was safe here.

He went back to Hong Kong last week, still the Lord’s shield is upon him. I have already seen countless miracles from the Lord it has made me love him more. I don’t show it but my life is only for the Lord.

Abigale Johnson

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