Family Sleigh Ride

21 Feb 2015 | 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Place : 1222 Apple Grove Rd.
Cost : Adults: $5.00 Children: $2.00

Great fun with Chili , hot apple cider , and Snow !!!!!!!

We are planning an Old Fashion Sleigh Ride for our KWCF Family & Friends. Join us for a scenic Sleigh Ride through open fields and the Tall Sugar Bush.

After the 45 minute sleigh ride we invite you to relax in a Rustic Sugar Shack for Hot Apple Cider and Homemade Chili.

Dress Warmly ! The Memories will last a Lifetime !!

Place: The Sleigh Rides are located at 1222 Apple Grove Rd.

This farm is located 5 minutes from the St. Jacobs Farmers Market on the North end of Waterloo

Payments must be received by Sunday Feb. 15

There will be a sign up sheet in the church foyer. Purchase tickets from Roger Bowman or Bob Bryant.

Let’s have a Fantastic Family Time Together !!!